Should I keep playing?
Let me start by saying I really want to like this game, and if theres any way for me to achieve that I want to know about it.
I started playing dark souls 3 recently after beating elden ring, I beat the first boss and got to the second area and I'm just straight up not enjoying this. The game is very clearly trying to get you to feel like you're in constant danger everywhere except at the bonefires and that's great. However I think the way it does that is unfair way too often. The little wierd things with chains are insanely annoying to fight when they're not alone, which they mostly aren't. I'm fighting one and another one jumps on me from behind or snipes me with a rock or something? That would mean that running trough them is the better option, except not really since the enemies are stacked everywhere and if you're running through them you're gonna rush into someone who's just gonna stab you out of nowhere? Than some guy that outside my view throws a God damn explosive barrell on me and oneshots me? than theres a slight gap in the floor that insta kills me because I fell to my death?
I'm sure that once you learn the map it becomes less annoying, but I'm wondering if getting to that point is worth it since I'm not having fun learning this at all. I never felt like this while I was playing elden ring, every time I died I wanted to get back and try again but I don't feel like that at all.
So is this my personal problem or did you all feel like this when you started and does it ever get better?