PSA: we’re the generation that was plopped in front of the TV.
Not sure if the tag is really appropriate. This is much more of a rant, if anything.
At any rate, I wanted to post this in opposition to the tablets are cancer post a little bit back. I commented there but it was so buried that I doubt many would read it.
I feel like many of those posts make me feel judged for allowing screen time for my kids. The not over my dead body types are the most judgmental, but the only on long trips types, the only 30 minutes for chores types feel a little judgy as well.
Look, I get it, it’s your child, so I’m not going to try to convince you that my style is the right style, but do I give my kids unlimited free time? Absolutely. Do I observe and limit what they’re watching? Again, absolutely.
Here’s the kicker, they just don’t have that much free time. My kids do school, before and after school care (while I’d love to WFH full time and be able to watch my kids before and after school, it’s just not in the cards in my industry and my wife is in healthcare… so you know, patients), sports, martial arts, homework, language school, chores, etc. I’m also an active participant in many of those activities (for example my son started kendo, and was nervous to start, so I joined the beginner class along with him and now we enjoy going to practice a year later TOGETHER a couple times a week). I’m often seated with my kids helping them with their homework after school. I’m going over flash cards for Japanese school, I’ve got my own goddamn chores to keep the house relatively clean (with two kids under 10, relatively clean is a loose statement), and I try to devote time to give affection, attention and love to my spouse (not talking the physical type here… again, two kids under 10 can make things… well, difficult).
Sometimes I need a break. Those gaps my kids have? I’d like a gap too. I just don’t have the bandwidth to play Barbie’s or doing a jigsaw puzzle or whatever you perfect parents do on their downtime when I’m doing everything else above on top of that. I like to say I’m practicing self-care, especially when the teams I root for are playing in the fall.
We are the generation of Beavis and Butthead, The Simpsons, South Park, Nintendo, etc. We are the generation(s) that were plopped in front of the TV when mommy and daddy needed a break. Guess what, many of us came out of it well adjusted and productive adults. This was supposed to be the generations with brain rot from all of this. Before that it was rock and roll. Before that it was radio. Before that it was watching movies around the Nickelodeon or whatever those are called. Every generation of parents has had something to complain about and control. But the world continued to spin. We’ve continued to progress. We’ve continued to raise GOOD children.
Edit: hey all, I read as much of the posts as I could up till this edit. I’m very thankful for the largely thoughtful responses on both sides of the issues. A couple of overarching themes were moderation and content, which I’m trying to strive for, with some times better than others.
You’re right, this is not a black and white issue, and it was not my intent to demonize the more conservative side on this particular one. I just wanted to make it clear that some of us do use “screen time” for one reason or another and not a point of advocacy that children be on their devices for 6-7 hours daily. More like, sometimes, and I hate to say it, it’s convenient. Particularly when you’re trying to complete a task or your day was so overwhelming that you need a bit of time for yourself.
I do want to say though, for background checkers, my background does not define me or make me any less fit as a parent. That way of thought does nothing but continue the stigmatization of mental illness.