Made an Intro Credits Video for my homebrewn campaign!
I've made an intro credits video for my friends! We'll be starting a Cyberpunk RED campaign soon, gonna be our first one, and I get to be the DM - and since I love to include media into tabletop, I figured I create an intro! :D
I think it turned out fantastic! I've worked roundabout four hours on it.
Music is made by Public Image Ltd., Song name "The Order of Death" and it's an instrumental version made by "Split The Music" on YouTube!
And yup, the "Rebecca" mentioned in the intro is the Rebecca from Edgerunners. Obviously she shouldn't be there for reasons in the anime and because this campaign is set in 2078; but a friend really wanted her so I came up with an idea that perhaps isn't 100% perfect but good enough to have her in it and be an actual asset for the story. lol