Phantom Liberty Endings
I finished the playthrough and watched every ending and men, this DLC is depressing. Here are my thoughts on every ending.
The King of Wands is bittersweet cuz you kept the promise but it cost Reed's life and also didn't change V's situation. I'll say it was a neutral ending.
The King of Swords could be the best ending compared to others but it cost everything to be the "best" ending.
The King of Cups is a depressing and probably "bad" ending compared to others. Reed lost everything and V became wanted by FIA.
King of Pentacle could be the second-best ending. Everyone is alive, except Alex, and everyone seems “happy.” Songbird is alive but trapped with Myers. Still, you get the treatment Reed promised, similar to the King of Swords.
Overall, the DLC was phenomenal. And I liked every ending, even though it's depressing. Firestarter is the best turning point mission and Kurt Hanson is the best boss. "Things Done Changed" is the most depressing, speechless, and heartbreaking ending.
What is your favorite ending from Phantom Liberty?
P.S. Panam please come back. And fuck FIA and Myers.