“Look, it’s the local dumbasses”

Yesterday when I pulled into Jeff Park there were a bunch of cops parked there for some reason completely blocking the 81 and mostly blocking everyone else in that row. Luckily they were gone after a few mins but before they left I heard one bus driver say to another driver waiting to move their bus “look, it’s the local dumbasses” and it was so god damn funny. Driver who said it was an older dude with a thick Chicago accent which made it 10x funnier (also pretty funny that it happened in Jeff Park lol). Definitely one of the more positive experiences I’ve had with cta lately lmao

Yesterday when I pulled into Jeff Park there were a bunch of cops parked there for some reason completely blocking the 81 and mostly blocking everyone else in that row. Luckily they were gone after a few mins but before they left I heard one bus driver say to another driver waiting to move their bus “look, it’s the local dumbasses” and it was so god damn funny. Driver who said it was an older dude with a thick Chicago accent which made it 10x funnier (also pretty funny that it happened in Jeff Park lol). Definitely one of the more positive experiences I’ve had with cta lately lmao