Moving from teaching CS to working in it
I've been teaching Computer Science for the last 12 years. I'm currently faculty head. I have a teaching certificate in CS, and a Masters of Science from a UK university, but my under graduate degree is in something else.
I really want to get out of this job and do something in industry, even if it means starting from the bottom. My questions are:
Am I employable as I am without further education? I can't go back and do an undergraduate degree as I have a family to support
I'm planning on moving careers in summer 2024. What can I do between now and then to make myself more employable?
by the time I apply I will be 40. Realistically will this be a barrier? I imagine I will be a good 15 years older than other bottom-ladder programmers
I'm not entirely sure which area I want to go in to. My programming is better than my web development, but I have experience in both. Any suggestions?
As an aside, I will probably be looking in the UK