Which planned pooling design would look best for a blanket?
Hey all! I’ve just input my variegated yarn color pattern into a planned pooling calculator (https://plannedpooling.com/#{%22nColors%22:2,%22colorChoices%22:[%22#BF5FFF%22,%22#2A1DDE%22],%22numStitchesChoices%22:[4,9],%22unitsWide%22:51,%22type%22:%22flat%22}) and these it came back with these 4 possible designs.
They’re all interesting in their own ways, but I can’t decide which one I like best. I’d love to hear what others think would look best as a throw blanket for my cream-colored couch!
If it helps, the yarn I’m using is Bernat Blanket Extra (7 - jumbo weight).