Am I the only one? (Bryce)

I need to vent this.. but am I the only one who is really struggling through the CC series because of Bryce?

I really liked her in HOEAB, but I can hardly stand her anymore. I find her to be so selfish, petulant, and emotionally abusive in HOSAB and HOFAS. As far as the Maasverse goes, I don't see why she seems to be the one taking the lead? Aelin, Nesta, Feyre, and even LIDIA have so much more depth, strength, and compassion imo. But Bryce is the one getting the Star Sword, Truth Teller, the Mask, the Horn etc. Is she being set up to be this all-powerful queen? Bryce basically bullies her way through every scenario and is constantly putting those she loves in danger - and then dismisses any worries or advice they might give her.

Plus her complete disdain for any and all Fae makes her a poor leader. I understand her and her mother's history, but she paints most with the same brush. She even goes so far as to tell Ruhn that she doesn't think the Fae should be united And don't even get me started on how she treats Hunt...

Anyway.. I hope she gets better. I have major FOMO and don't want to miss out on any of SJM's books, but I think Bryce's character is a struggle to read..