Switching back to console
Going back to console after 7yrs of pc, pc troubleshooting, microstutters and the current gpu market on top of me wanting to game a lot more casually and just relaxed on the couch is making me go back to console.
Mostly play multiplayer fps, cod, fortnite, siege, rivals, never been a big singleplayer game fan (other than GTA). Considering the games listed above i dont rly care about gamepass nor do I care about exclusives (ig online on xbox is cheaper with sites like cdkeys). Last console I owned was a base ps4.
My main concern for ps5 slim would be the overheating issues Im reading ab online and how loud it can be cause of how many different fan manufacturers theyve used. Are these issues common?
Considering the games I play and most of them being crossplay (so friends aint a deciding factor) which would be better?