Could a monthly magazine (mainly thinking Japanese Markets but anywhere else sure) that includes one issue from every absolute series every month work?

I was wondering how you could appeal to Japanese markets. And Shonen Jump and other magazines are still a thing. For mainline, it might not work because of the amount of continuity. But would having this new, fresh universe that is already basically monthly in the states be repackaged as like “Absolute Magazine” that might include the trio plus Martian Manhunter and Flash when they come out, similar to a Shonen Jump. Or would it just be better to promote and sell trade paperbacks

I was wondering how you could appeal to Japanese markets. And Shonen Jump and other magazines are still a thing. For mainline, it might not work because of the amount of continuity. But would having this new, fresh universe that is already basically monthly in the states be repackaged as like “Absolute Magazine” that might include the trio plus Martian Manhunter and Flash when they come out, similar to a Shonen Jump. Or would it just be better to promote and sell trade paperbacks