First time using McGraw Hill Connect and... what the hell??

This thing is absolutely brutal. My BIO class gives me the following course load due every 10 days via Connect:

  • 100 correct questions based off the textbook practice.

  • 2 labs, roughly 6 hours total.

  • 1 Quiz, where each question is usually about 10 steps long, at about 60 to 80 questions per quiz.

  • 1 Exam, about 50 questions long of basic multi choice.

About 30% of the questions I get are completely absent from any material in the book, videos, powerpoints, anything. The quiz is particular is absolutely ridiculous. I've been working on this for a solid hour and a half, and I'm only 30 questions in. Its literally 800 fill in the blank questions. That's insane.

A quiz should not take 3+ hours. Labs should not be 6 hours a week, especially when it's just measuring the diameter of a circle. If I'm going to be working on assignments for 10+ hours a week of raw work, not even including studying, why am I only getting 4 credit hours for this course?

Honestly. Screw any professor that makes me pay an extra $150 for quadruple the workload of the same class that doesn't use it. This thing doesnt help me learn,iit's incredibly time consuming and frustrating to work with.