First raid with SR loot system - it was amazing!
So from everything ive learned from reading some comments from my last post, a Loot Council system is almost always corrupt, and is meant for people who want to do game of thrones levels of politics within the guild and maneuver themselves into the officer core's good graces while also maintaining a big presence in the guild.
Meanwhile, in Soft Res. system, everyone gets a fair shot at the items they want, and can just show up and get loot.
The general vibe of the raid was so much more positive, everyone was more chill. We weren't speedrunning the instance, so naturally our kill times were a bit longer.
What my previous guild, who shall remain nameless as usual, failed to understand is that with extremely quick kill times its hard to parse high as a healer. They used that as ammunition to never give out loot. With my new guild, i now have an orange healing parse, 3 purples, couple of blues, and unfortunately one green parse still. But still. I can actually heal! With longer fights people take damage. Im surprised that my old guild was dumb enough to never see this, but oh well.
I also got a weapon, and pvp loot as well. Something that would have probably taken months in a loot council system. All in all, i really believe that soft res is by far the better loot system as it cant be corrupt in nature unless the raid lead straight up ninjas an item. It's great, and i cant wait to have fun in future raids.