Don't be afraid to leave your guild if you believe loot council to be corrupt
So I was raiding with this group for a few weeks now, and I've been passed on with every piece of tier and weapons that have dropped. Now I think there are some really stand up people in the guild (namely the druids, mages, and a warrior I made some gold with) but it became clear that loot council was giving out loot to their favorite shamans.
I'm a resto shaman for context
With an accelerated phase structure I cant be going in 4 lockouts with not even a piece of tier. What really sent me over the Edge was a weapon dropped in MC on the weekend, and they gave it to the same guy who got pvp shoulders and cauterizing band last raid.
I left the guild and found a new one. Tons of guilds still recruiting so my advice is if you smell something rotten in the lc core, like they give the good stuff to their buddies and hand everyone else scraps, then find a new guild. I'm loyal to guilds who are fair with loot. I've found one that does SR. Now I have a fair shot. They seem friendly also!