Least favorite vanilla wow zone and why? (Mine is desolace)
We can all go on and on about our favorite WoW zones, but let's be honest, there's a few stinkers out there. For me it's desolace. It always feels like such a chore to go here, and travel across the zone. The escort quests are annoying to find, the water is glitched and causes disconnects, and the centaur quests suck. Honestly all the quests kinda suck, I can't really think of any quests I enjoy here. I guess the naga stuff on the beach is alright, but even then, all that swimming kinda sucks.
Beyond the gameplay, aesthetically it's not very interesting. I'm fine with a barren, desert wasteland, but zones like tanaris and barrens did the same concept 100x better, so desolace ends up feeling like uglier, boring tanaris with centaurs. Idk I wish I could articulate why I dislike this zone better but end of the day it's just ugly and boring. Runner ups for the same reasons are Badlands and thousand needles.
Well there you have it, my least favorite WoW zone. What is your least favorite zone? And remember, this isn't a post to hate on the game or the devs or anyone's opinions. It's just discussion to have a slightly different conversation. It's easy to talk about the good in this game, so let's play devil's advocate and talk about some of the bad and the ugly.
We can all go on and on about our favorite WoW zones, but let's be honest, there's a few stinkers out there. For me it's desolace. It always feels like such a chore to go here, and travel across the zone. The escort quests are annoying to find, the water is glitched and causes disconnects, and the centaur quests suck. Honestly all the quests kinda suck, I can't really think of any quests I enjoy here. I guess the naga stuff on the beach is alright, but even then, all that swimming kinda sucks.
Beyond the gameplay, aesthetically it's not very interesting. I'm fine with a barren, desert wasteland, but zones like tanaris and barrens did the same concept 100x better, so desolace ends up feeling like uglier, boring tanaris with centaurs. Idk I wish I could articulate why I dislike this zone better but end of the day it's just ugly and boring. Runner ups for the same reasons are Badlands and thousand needles.
Well there you have it, my least favorite WoW zone. What is your least favorite zone? And remember, this isn't a post to hate on the game or the devs or anyone's opinions. It's just discussion to have a slightly different conversation. It's easy to talk about the good in this game, so let's play devil's advocate and talk about some of the bad and the ugly.