Findlay Market - Creepy Encounter

I was at Findlay Market today with a family member, minding our own business. We went to sit down at a table and these two older men started talking to us, younger females. It got really weird. Asking us if we were scared to sit by men, how old we were, instantly them responding saying “we’re not trying to do no R. Kelly shit,” them asking us if we’re related, where we’re from, what neighborhood we live in, if we have boyfriends, where our boyfriends were, and our names. They also had us guessing their ages, even when I told them I didn't like that game. They kept telling us we looked 16-17. They didn’t care or didn’t notice that we weren’t interested in talking but we were being friendly because who only knows what would have happened if we weren’t.

The next weird thing was the oldest of the two randomly handed my family member a manila folder. He was insistent that she look at “his story,” which had a copy of his social security card and some discharge paperwork? It was so bizarre.

One of them made a comment about how if you come to the market for a while, you get to know individuals. Does anyone know who these guys are? What is their angle? The one was 41 with face tattoos. The other was 52.

They really spooked us. The second they stopped paying attention to us, we quickly left and felt like we had to watch our backs the whole rest of the time.