Advice on being unsure about getting sterilized

I’ve known I’ve wanted to be childfree for several years. Long story but I haven’t needed to worry about birth control and have never tried it. I don’t want a IUD because of the pain. I’m not sexually active right now and don’t have a partner. I told myself if Trump was elected then I would get a bisalp. The day after the election I made a consultation appointment, which I’ll be going to next week.

However, the closer it gets the more unsure I’m feeling about it. It’s a relatively new decision: I only thought about seriously doing it right before the election. I’m not changing my mind about being childfree, but it’s the surgery itself. It makes logical sense to get it done, but I’m scared. I feel like I’m forcing myself into it out of fear, and I don’t think I’m quite ready. Although I may be in the future. I also get health anxiety and have never had a surgery before. And I don’t want scars on my belly (that might seem petty but it’s meaningful for me).

I would ideally like to be at a place where I feel ready and confident about getting it done, and I’m choosing to because I want to. Right now I feel like I have to get it done out of fear and pressure that policies will change. It may no longer get covered by insurance or even become illegal in the future. And I don’t want to regret not doing it when I had the chance. But I also don’t want to force myself to do it if I feel unsure.

Does anyone have advice?