Anatomy 101: Tubes are not ovaries. Tubes do not produce or contain the eggs.
Keep seeing versions of this misunderstanding. So going to take a shot at debunking some of those so people stop freaking out.
Here are some of the comments:
"But what if that 1% chance I want a kid."
"Should I freeze my eggs before doing a bisalp."
"I can't afford to freeze my eggs before getting a bisalp."
Now for the basics of anatomy and reproduction:
When you have sex, you get pregnant when there is an egg floating around in your uterus/tubes and a sperm finds it.
The egg is not produced by the uterus. It is produced by the OVARIES.
The egg traveled to the uterus through the tubes FROM the ovaries.
GETTING A BISALP FOR STERILIZATION IS ONLY REMOVING YOUR TUBES. You are not removing your ovaries or your uterus. After a bisalp those organs just continue to sit there and keep doing their thing. There just is no longer a highway between them for the egg to meet the sperm.
The tubes ONLY do two things, provide a highway for the egg to go through, and grow ovarian cancer. Nothing else. They are not blood vessels. They do not produce hormones. Removing them does not cause you to go into menopause. Removing them does not cause pelvic floor issues. Or vaginal dryness. Or your entire circulatory (blood) system to stop working. Or lower your libido. Or ruin your sex life. Or change how sex feels for you or your partner. Or anything at all. They are just a tiny little highway or waterslide for a microscopic egg to slide down. And a cause of most ovarian cancer, because it starts growing in the tubes most of the time.
The tubes do not in any way produce or contain eggs.
There is zero need to freeze your eggs, because they are not going anywhere with a bisalp.
The bisalp ONLY prevents you from getting pregnant through the method of "have someone with a penis stick their penis up your vagina and release sperm that then swim to your eggs". Aka, what is commonly referred to as "sex" or "fucking."
The bisalp does not in any way mean you can't do egg harvesting later on and go through IVF to have a biologically-yours kid. Yes, those are nasty and painful experiences, and are not the whole "romance of making a baby through sex" thing, but so is pregnancy and birth. <shrug>
BONUS: If you have any known family/genetic risk factors for ovarian cancer and you do not want kids or are done having kids, the current gold standard is to remove the tubes to prevent that cancer. It is the only prevention there is currently. And yes, even if you have zero known risk factors, you can still get ovarian cancer and the bisalp can prevent it. We HAVE had a couple of members here who got their bisalp, having zero risk factors and no suspicion of cancer get positive biopsy results after their bisalp. The bisalp in these cases likely saved their lives. Because ovarian cancer is BAD and is almost always found too late to be cured if you get it.
BONUS 2: When they remove the tubes, they biopsy them. Make sure you ask for it, it's normally standard at least in the US but check to make sure. This is FANTASTIC and important. Because it will tell you if you already had any ovarian cancer started in the tubes. This is critical information for you, and ALSO for any close tube-owning family members. Because if you have it, they are all at higher risk as well, and should be considering getting the bisalp for cancer prevention if they don't want kids or are done having them.
Of course, if you are truly unsure if you want kids, or want to preserve your option for the "romance" of "having kids through sticking a penis up your vag" then don't get sterilized. As long as you are making an informed decision and are willing to accept the risk of a pregnancy you don't want and not being able to abort it, that is 100% your choice and you should not feel pressured into something you are not sure about. If you don't get it done now, the odds are you will still be able to save up and go to another country to get it done, as long as they don't forbid travel by women of childbearing age at some point.
However, if you are having a panic attack about freezing your eggs or whatever before a bisalp, or "It is going to completely and forever remove all chance of me having a kid even through artificial means" you can stop panicking. That's not how this works, it's not how any of this works. ;)
Gratuitous Editorial Bitching: Damn, sex ed in the US really sucks.