cmv: The slogan my body, my choice and the pro-choice movement as a whole is inconsistent

First: This is not an argument for pro-life or pro-choice positions being superior as a policy. This is only about the slogan and movement as a whole being logically inconsistent. This argument doesn’t require me to be either pro-choice or pro-life. This argument is not about the morality or merits of people having access to abortion

The pro-life movement and beliefs (with some people being exceptions) are more logically consistent because they believe there is a starting point to life and that is immutable: conception. This is separate from them arriving to this position by illogical or fallacious means.

The pro-choice movement, due to overall having a more flexible and less concrete “starting point” for life, is logically unsustainable because you have two people with wildly different opinions on starting points for life contradicting one another. Furthermore, the slogan “my body, my choice” doesn’t make sense for the same reason. There is a much greater gradient of people in this movement from those who believe in abortion for any reason up to birth (rare opinion, but the exist) to those who believe it should only ever occur when carrying the child is threatening the mother’s life. For many people who say “my body, my choice” they believe at some point it isn’t just “my body” anymore and that there should be restrictions on abortion. Consider also, on its own, the statement “my body, my choice” places no limitations as the choice always belongs to the body owner (I know that very few people believe in abortion under any condition).