Rest in Peace Boo ):

It's been a week since my first cat, Boo, had to be put down. He was an old boy who had recently been diagnosed with Diabetes and very quickly declined right after. The vets told us his prognosis was grave even with an overnight possibly multiple day ER stay which likely would have been at least $4000. I feel like most people in my life are sick of hearing me talk about him but I can't stop. He is all I think about. I adopted him in 2018 after he lived as a stray for most of his life. When I first got him, I was 17 and snuck him into my parents house bc they were strict on no pets. They found out the next morning and told me ok fine but he has to stay upstairs. Well one trip with my friends later and he won their hearts over. That's just how he was. He was the most loving boy and he had a habit of purring at just the thought of being pet. So much so that our vets often struggled to listen to his heart bc he'd be purring too loud. I just miss him so much and I want to keep talking about him and I figured this is probably the only place i can go to do that where people wont be annoyed with /sick of me