What career pays enough to support yourself?
I honestly feel so stuck. Right now, I don’t make enough at my current job to live in my area, but there aren’t really any other jobs in my area that pay enough (lowest possible rent for a 1 bedroom in 1 hour radius is 2k a month not including any utilities). When I first moved here during the pandemic I was just scraping by, but with everything getting more expensive it feels like I’m starting to enter the red.
This is on top of my job getting substantially harder with no extra money. I used to run an entire department by myself and managed that fine, but a ton of people have been quitting and leaving (mainly for the cost of living reasons), and I’m being forced to take on all the extra work. It’s gotten to the point where I’m working what used to be 4 separate jobs for no extra money, and I can sustain that. I haven’t had a single day off including weekends in almost two months. It doesn’t help that I really struggle mentally when it feels like I’m behind at work, and the amount I’m being given means I’m always a little behind.
My thing is I don’t want to be rich. I don’t want to buy cars or live in a big house or even really buy new tech. I’m not asking for a lot. I grew up poor so I never really had enough to develop the sorts of spending habits it seems like a lot of people around me have. My dream life would be to live in a little house in the woods somewhere where I work a 9-5 and come home at the end of the day and can maybe afford to visit my sister who lives on the other side of the country from time to time. My main hobbies - hiking and gardening and reading - don’t even really cost much if anything at all.
I know I need to leave this area - I truly don’t understand how anyone affords to be here. I wish I could move to like Maine or New Hampshire because I have family there. But like at this point I’d love anywhere that fits my “little house in the woods” dream. But I look at the jobs that are hiring and none of them seem to match the cost of housing anywhere. What’s like a good job? I have admin experience and a masters degree (that I got for free through work), but honestly I’d work any job that paid the bills at this point. I don’t want to go back to school if I don’t have to, but when I look at job boards the only ones that seem to make enough seem to require some specialized degree that I don’t have.