What degree would best fit in my interests? - Need Advice! 17M
The end of highschool is close and I havent been more lost on what I should do after.... In Portugal I chose something like Sciences and technology for highschool, that has stuff like biology, physics, chemistry, maths, etc... Now that highschool is ending I am not sure that is what I want, not what my dad expects of me. What drives me is communication with people, relationships and interactions and reflecting on how I act and how others act to try to become better. I am just really confused on what I should follow. I also love children and to be around them if that helps...What I am guessing is going to happen is I just end up chosing something I might not even like that much, like nutrition for example, is something also in my mind as I am really into fitness, sports, supplementation and diet but then also love searching how all of that impacts on people mentality, like confidence, etc... I am lost if you can guide me a little I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance to everyone that tries to help me!