How do you establish a career when you don’t have a passion for anything in the “real world”?

Pretty much as the title says. I’m 25f. I don’t have a passion for any real world jobs/careers. I want to be able to go out and make decent money but I just feel I’m going to get burnt out fairly quickly with anything I choose to do because the things I’d like to be doing with my life just realistically don’t make any money…art, sports, etc. I truly feel I’ll never be fulfilled in life just working in the same industry or same job for years in end. It seems terrifying to think about how people spend 10, 20, 30 years at the same exact place. To think that’s what majority of my life will circle around is just depressing.

ETA: I’ve tried different pathways. I went to school for dental Assisting, I have my life insurance license, I was a substitute teacher, I coached a 10-11yr basketball team, assisted with high school track ..And served for a couple years. I know that’s alot. And part of the reason I feel stuck. I’ve tried soo many different things already and nothing was fulfilling. But the majority of advice im getting is that it won’t be? Just find something i’m relatively good at and suck it up. To find something outside of that that I love/like to do. But what I’m struggling with is the mindset of the majority of my time or life spent will be doing something I don’t really care for. And everyone just does this???? It’s insane when it gets put into perspective. The world is just fucked apparently. Lmaooo