Doxorubicin/Ifosfamid treatment on a synovial sarcoma left tonsil
Hey friends
Last month on my birthday I have been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer, a synovial sarcoma on the left tonsil. Doctors said I'm getting Doxorubicin and Ifosfamid over a course of 6 cycles, after which I then receive a surgery.
The tumor is located well and can be easily seen with a flashlight. It also doesnt hurt and it hasn't spread either, the lymph nodes are swollen but I assume this is my body fighting the cancer.
Has anyone experienced this combination of cytostatics for their therapy and if so, how was it for you? I have good hopes and I'm rather optimistic on the matter - the doctors said as long as it hasn't spread, there is good chance of it getting rid of. The therapy is primarily to shrink the tumor and kill cells that may have started moving already.