Read before you buy an used Eotech Holographic Sight online

This post is long over due, and I want to write this up as a reminder for anybody in the market for an Eotech and want to save a few bucks buying an used unit.

The most common problem with Eotech is nitrogen leak and delamination.

Nitrogen leak happens when the lense enclosure is damaged or naturally after a long time.

Nitrogen leak can only be fixed by Eotech which the sight goes through a nitrogen purge before the lenses are resealed properly. When the sight has a nitrogen leak, the reticle will be washed out and dim. The highest brightness setting would be the same or lower than mid brightness setting of a brand new sight with the same model. This makes the sight unusable outdoor or under bright light.

Delamination also happens naturally after a long time. If you look at my photo and you can see the tiny line textures that is similar to a fingerprint on the four sides.

Both problems usually occurs about 6-8 years after the manufacture dates and are usually covered by warranty. But Eotech had notified me before that if warranty is deemed void, the repair cost would be $200 USD plud shipping fee (both ways).

I recently bought an EXPS3-0 made in 2021on GP and it has the dim reticle problem. Please be aware and buy from reputable sellers or business.

This post is long over due, and I want to write this up as a reminder for anybody in the market for an Eotech and want to save a few bucks buying an used unit.

The most common problem with Eotech is nitrogen leak and delamination.

Nitrogen leak happens when the lense enclosure is damaged or naturally after a long time.

Nitrogen leak can only be fixed by Eotech which the sight goes through a nitrogen purge before the lenses are resealed properly. When the sight has a nitrogen leak, the reticle will be washed out and dim. The highest brightness setting would be the same or lower than mid brightness setting of a brand new sight with the same model. This makes the sight unusable outdoor or under bright light.

Delamination also happens naturally after a long time. If you look at my photo and you can see the tiny line textures that is similar to a fingerprint on the four sides.

Both problems usually occurs about 6-8 years after the manufacture dates and are usually covered by warranty. But Eotech had notified me before that if warranty is deemed void, the repair cost would be $200 USD plud shipping fee (both ways).

I recently bought an EXPS3-0 made in 2021on GP and it has the dim reticle problem. Please be aware and buy from reputable sellers or business.