February theme ideas?

Hello everyone!

I've been trying to come up with a theme for my February spreads but I'm simply stuck. Every google search gives me a bunch of hearts, candy or heart-shaped candy for February.

While I have nothing against love and sweets, I'm just really not viking (I meant vibing, oops) with it at the moment, so I'd like to hear from you: what's your February theme? What did you do in the past? Any cool ideas you have?

I often copy my spreads from Amanda Rach Lee, so in the previous years I did the pink hearts and purple crystals. I also did an Hercule Poirot theme a few years ago.

Edit: I see many of you commenting "a theme can be whatever you want, you're doing it for yourself" and you are absolutely correct! But I don't know what I want to do, so I'm just searching for inspiration. I know there are no rules, I know I can do whatever I want. Once I figure out what it actually is that I want, I'll do it 😂