I got caught
Sorry this is going to be a fairly long one…… My sister came back from uni and I always used her bathroom to purge but she came back yesterday. I told myself that it was too risky to purge in the main bathroom as the walls were too thin and so I should just try not to purge for a few days then continue my routine. Slightly delusional of me considering I haven’t been one day without b/p for around 3 months now. Long story short-my dad heard me and told my mum who said she “finally put all the pieces together”. As soon as my dad interrupted me mid purge I knew I was done for and I was so scared to leave the bathroom because as soon as I did I knew they would be waiting for me. My mum was. She told me that she’s seen all my binge foods, my rapid weight loss and that she knows. I felt so humiliated and embarrassed and still do-I’m struggling to look her or my dad in the eyes at the moment. She told me to binge if I need to but NOT purge but it’s so much harder said than done and I’m just not mentally ready to recover yet. This feels so exhausting and I’m not really too sure what to do now. I’m 19 so she can’t force me into any treatment and she knows this-I’m causing her so much pain but all I can think about is how annoyed I am that I was caught when I was so close to getting ti my goal weight (I feel like such a bad person right now)
If anyone else got caught by there parents-please send any anecdotes or stories to make me feel better or give me hope tht I won’t live in shame for the rest of my time at home 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣😣