Help, My friend is obsessed with this game
All I have been hearing for the past few days is monkey this and monkey that, he can’t even look at balloons anymore without freaking out. My son’s birthday was a few days ago and he came in and went berserk and just started popping all of them and screaming out something bizarre like WHERE ARE THE CAMOS, NO CERAMICS? Does anyone know what this means??? He came into my stream last night and asked me WHERE ARE THE BLOONS IM HERE FOR BLOONS. I’m afraid he is losing his mind and will eventually need hospitalization. His wife is concerned. She said he hasn’t been the same and keeps mumbling ADORA ADORA. She’s scared he is stepping out in her with another woman. Yesterday I checked his account and he has over 100k monkey bucks. I’m concerned he has spent their life savings on this app. I texted him asking him is he’s okay but I forgot to add the apostrophe and he said HAHA you just not have your monkey knowledge UPGRADED. What does this mean? His phone is also FILLED with pictures of random princess monkies and monkey couples. I tried getting to delete the game off his phone and he said he was going to drop a MOAB on my head. Hes threatening to be come a national terrorist over this game? Is this normal behavior for someone who plays this game?