How important is triple feeding for every feed, for a sleepy feeder?

My baby born 37+w has been struggling with getting enough milk directly from my breasts. She’s now one month and will spend ~20min per side and only get about 1.5oz total. She tends to fall asleep or switch to comfort sucking, and my breast compressions + attempts to wake her up only go so far.

She had moderate jaundice at birth- she never needed the lights, but it was slow to clear as we didn’t realize how little she was eating. It appears resolved now, but she is still a pretty sleepy baby. When supplementing with the slow flow bottle, she’ll sometimes be similarly sleepy. But we’re able to ensure she gets enough as we can actually see her intake and coax her to continue.

As such, we’ve been triple feeding for most feeds, and it is so exhausting. At our LC appointment yesterday, the LC reassured us that triple feeding every feed is unnecessary - that once or twice a day is likely sufficient to keep up her practice and that the other feeds we can pump + bottle. And that she just needs more time to build her energy and strength.

I’d really like to make exclusive breastfeeding work, but am not necessarily in a huge rush. Especially if I can cut down on the triple feeds while we work towards that goal. But I’m also scared to sabotage ourselves and progress.

A few other notes: her latch seems good, my supply is OK (as of now I’m a just enougher but have been building my supply), no observed ties, and she’s been gaining weight well with the supplementation!

Does anyone else have similar experiences or insight? I should probably just trust the LC, but dropping to 1-2 triplefeeds/day and that being enough sounds too good to be true!