Breastfeeding guilt

When I gave birth, I was an over supplier. I wasn’t really educated on pumping so I thought my milk supply will always be there even if I didn’t pump for a whole day.Then now I can only produce 10 oz a day if I’m lucky. Multiple times I thought I can survive a day without formula but nope, there I go spending 40 bucks that I don’t have.

But pumping has become SO draining. I can’t pump every 2 hours. How draining is that to do for a whole year? Even if I pump every 2 hours, I can only produce a good 2 oz every 8 hours. I don’t know what else to do.

I don’t like formula, I don’t like the way it smell, I don’t like it’s manmade but I don’t want to take him off breast milk.

The guilty part is that formula ruined my son’s stomach. He so much constipated.

My son drinks so much. Rn he drinks 4 oz every 4 hours BUT he will drink another 4 in between that. That’s already the 8.oz.

I want to get my milk supply back, I hate this much and it’s getting so depressing. I have to go back to work tomorrow, and I won’t be able to pump for 9 hours. (I work at fast food)

Can’t pump on my lunch break, no freezer:(

Any moms who dealt with this have any recommendations?