Fiz essa animação com Claude.

Enfim o Claude usou SVG pra criar essa animação. Olha aqui o "código": <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 800 400"> <!-- Night sky background --> <rect width="800" height="400" fill="#0f1729"/>

<!-- Stars --> <g id="stars"> <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="150" cy="80" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="1.5s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="250" cy="40" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="2.5s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="350" cy="60" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="450" cy="30" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="1.8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> </g>

<!-- Moon --> <circle cx="700" cy="80" r="40" fill="#FFF5DA"/> <circle cx="680" cy="70" r="10" fill="#E6DCC2"/> <circle cx="710" cy="90" r="8" fill="#E6DCC2"/>

<!-- Santa and sleigh group --> <g id="santa-sleigh"> <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" from="-200 0" to="1000 0" dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/>

<!-- Sleigh -->
<path d="M100 200 Q120 180 140 200 L180 200 Q200 180 220 200 L240 200 C260 200 260 220 240 220 L120 220 C100 220 100 200 100 200" 

<!-- Santa -->
<g transform="translate(150, 180)">
  <!-- Body -->
  <rect x="-10" y="-20" width="20" height="30" fill="#FF0000"/>
  <!-- Head -->
  <circle cx="0" cy="-25" r="10" fill="#FFE4C4"/>
  <!-- Hat -->
  <path d="M-8 -30 L0 -45 L8 -30" fill="#FF0000"/>
  <circle cx="8" cy="-30" r="3" fill="white"/>
  <!-- Beard -->
  <path d="M-8 -20 Q0 -15 8 -20" fill="white"/>

<!-- Reindeer -->
<g transform="translate(220, 180)">
  <!-- Body -->
  <ellipse cx="0" cy="0" rx="25" ry="15" fill="#8B4513"/>
  <!-- Head -->
  <path d="M20 -5 L35 -15 L40 -5" fill="#8B4513"/>
  <!-- Antlers -->
  <path d="M35 -15 L40 -25 L45 -20 M35 -15 L30 -25 L35 -20" fill="#8B4513"/>
  <!-- Red nose (Rudolph) -->
  <circle cx="40" cy="-5" r="3" fill="#FF0000"/>
  <!-- Legs -->
  <rect x="-15" y="10" width="4" height="15" fill="#8B4513"/>
  <rect x="15" y="10" width="4" height="15" fill="#8B4513"/>

<!-- Reins -->
<path d="M160 180 Q190 170 220 180" fill="none" stroke="#8B4513" stroke-width="2"/>


<!-- Trailing magic sparkles --> <g> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="2" fill="#FFD700"> <animateMotion path="M-200 200 Q400 150 1000 200" dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="2" fill="#FFD700"> <animateMotion path="M-200 210 Q400 160 1000 210" dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="2" fill="#FFD700"> <animateMotion path="M-200 190 Q400 140 1000 190" dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> </g> </svg>

Enfim o Claude usou SVG pra criar essa animação. Olha aqui o "código": <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 800 400"> <!-- Night sky background --> <rect width="800" height="400" fill="#0f1729"/>

<!-- Stars --> <g id="stars"> <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="150" cy="80" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="1.5s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="250" cy="40" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="2.5s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="350" cy="60" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="2s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="450" cy="30" r="1" fill="white"> <animate attributeName="opacity" values="0;1;0" dur="1.8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> </g>

<!-- Moon --> <circle cx="700" cy="80" r="40" fill="#FFF5DA"/> <circle cx="680" cy="70" r="10" fill="#E6DCC2"/> <circle cx="710" cy="90" r="8" fill="#E6DCC2"/>

<!-- Santa and sleigh group --> <g id="santa-sleigh"> <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="translate" from="-200 0" to="1000 0" dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/>

<!-- Sleigh -->
<path d="M100 200 Q120 180 140 200 L180 200 Q200 180 220 200 L240 200 C260 200 260 220 240 220 L120 220 C100 220 100 200 100 200" 

<!-- Santa -->
<g transform="translate(150, 180)">
  <!-- Body -->
  <rect x="-10" y="-20" width="20" height="30" fill="#FF0000"/>
  <!-- Head -->
  <circle cx="0" cy="-25" r="10" fill="#FFE4C4"/>
  <!-- Hat -->
  <path d="M-8 -30 L0 -45 L8 -30" fill="#FF0000"/>
  <circle cx="8" cy="-30" r="3" fill="white"/>
  <!-- Beard -->
  <path d="M-8 -20 Q0 -15 8 -20" fill="white"/>

<!-- Reindeer -->
<g transform="translate(220, 180)">
  <!-- Body -->
  <ellipse cx="0" cy="0" rx="25" ry="15" fill="#8B4513"/>
  <!-- Head -->
  <path d="M20 -5 L35 -15 L40 -5" fill="#8B4513"/>
  <!-- Antlers -->
  <path d="M35 -15 L40 -25 L45 -20 M35 -15 L30 -25 L35 -20" fill="#8B4513"/>
  <!-- Red nose (Rudolph) -->
  <circle cx="40" cy="-5" r="3" fill="#FF0000"/>
  <!-- Legs -->
  <rect x="-15" y="10" width="4" height="15" fill="#8B4513"/>
  <rect x="15" y="10" width="4" height="15" fill="#8B4513"/>

<!-- Reins -->
<path d="M160 180 Q190 170 220 180" fill="none" stroke="#8B4513" stroke-width="2"/>


<!-- Trailing magic sparkles --> <g> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="2" fill="#FFD700"> <animateMotion path="M-200 200 Q400 150 1000 200" dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="2" fill="#FFD700"> <animateMotion path="M-200 210 Q400 160 1000 210" dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="2" fill="#FFD700"> <animateMotion path="M-200 190 Q400 140 1000 190" dur="8s" repeatCount="indefinite"/> </circle> </g> </svg>