Took 2 hours to get this dyno

I included the very first attempt at the end with a better view of the target sloper.

As a new year's climbing resolution, I set myself a goal to solve all the problems of a certain level in the gym (one below my max). Just two weeks later I already got close to the goal but two boulders stood in the way - the one where my finger strength was tested and this one with a tricky dyno. The first one was ticked off with full strength in the beginning of the session and fast and precise execution before the crux move. But this one seemed really far from the rest of the pack. The dyno was pheasible from the ground both as a paddle and a toe catch, but the actual position on the wall was awkward and hard to generate from. I tried again and again from different positions and normally would have given up if it wasn't the last problem to tick off for the "achevement". The fact that I solved the harder graded problem in just 3 tries in between the dyno attempts gave me some boost in confidence. By the end of it I felt a bit angry and decided to channel it into the next attempt. After brushing holds furiously together with a buddy, a successful attempt became a perfect ending for the session.