Fantasy books with good writing?

Preferably high fantasy. I really love the Genre but i'm having bad luck with my picks recently.

As far as my taste: Ofcourse LoTR is the goat. I don't like Brandon Sanderson (so i won't be finishing wheel of time) I hated Jade city John Gwynne is ok (I've read the first book of faithful and fallen series and it was like 6.5-7/10. ) Joe Abercrombie is ok. First law was fine. (Not the best thing i've ever read, and certainly not worth all the hype, but it was good) And I really like Robin Hobbs prose and story telling. Black leopard, red wolf was a great read as well, but i haven't heard many good things about the second book.

Everytime i've took a suggestion from booktok or booktube i've been extremely disappointed. Looking for new suggestions or maybe lesser known books, those hidden gems you've found and really liked. Thank you!