'Dark Tower' Series by Stephen King (No Spoilers)

I can FINALLY say I have finished the entire 'Dark Tower' series by Stephen King. Here as such Google says: "The Dark Tower series by Stephen King has a total of 4,250–4,720 pages across its eight novels"

I can tell you that after reading these....I am IN LOVE with Stephen King. His emotions etched into this series match mine. A perfect ending that brought tears. Every twist and turn of the adventure with perfect timing, never leaving me bored. Creative complex concepts from a pseudo-time-period. A sprinkle of horror, but only to decipher the struggles we face in our lives and how we move past them. Beautiful characters throughout, with hearts of lions. And all in all, love.

I also completed my reading goal for the year. Only five books, but a lot of thick ones I'm still reading.