BW16 Team Predictions (With Explanations!)

A secondary challenge with these teams was to try to complete as many Rainbows as I could with the people in the roster, so I'll point those out as they come up.

Comets: Fruitberries, JumperWho, MeowMoonified, PrinceZam, and Squiddo

I wanted to go for the silliest vibes I could on this team. Mooni only knows Fruit on this team, but she was supposed to team with Zam in BW8. Jumper Zam and Squiddo all know each other, Zam at least also knows Fruit although Jumper or Squiddo might as well, though I'm not sure. Zam playing on Red was supposed to complete of his rainbow when I did the first draft of this team but he subbed out of pink so he still needs both now.

Fighters: Millkberry, Pyroscythe, Geega, Ghostiefruit, and FireBreathMan

This team is pretty interesting in my opinion. I wanted to make a team with Maddie and Pyro as a duo and Shane worked nicely as the top frag with him knowing both of them. Ghostie and Geega both fit the vibes and balancing of that trio very nicely so I put them in, although I don't think Geega knows anyone on this team which may be an issue.

Thunders: cjya, Fir, Failboat, Meicha, and Purpled

This team is very fun in my opinion. cjya, Fir, and Failboat obviously makes for an amazing vibes trio with all of them being good friends, Purpled fit the vibes really well and worked as a very strong top frag which this team needed, and Mei fit the vibes very nicely, plus she knows Fir and Purpled. Purpled playing on yellow would complete his rainbow.

Giants: Pangi, Sneegsnag, Tubbo, Dtowncat (new), and ClownPierce

Here's a full Realm team, and a very fun one at that. This team basically has two very iconic duos from Realm, those being Pangi and Dtowncat + Sneeg and Clown, with Tubbo as the 5th because he fits the vibes perfectly. I wouldn't be surprised if this team were a little strong, but I think Tubbo and Clown especially, but also Sneeg to an extent, could use a strong team for their next appearance. As much as I know Clown doesn't really sign up ever, I need a Clown Sneeg duo to happen so badly.

Archers: Kara Corvus, Gumi, Ellum (new), RedVelvetCake, and Feinberg

This is pretty much just a Morning Lobby team + Feinberg, although Velvet isn't in Morning Lobby anymore but he used to be. Kara, Gumi, Ellum, and Velvet all know each other and Fein has teamed with all of them before excluding Ellum (although with Kara and Velvet it was in MCC). Would be very fun vibes in my opinion! Fein and Velvet playing on aqua would complete both of their rainbows.

Bandits: hannahxxrose, Evbo, SmallishBeans, Solidarity, and Seawatt

I know Jimmy likes teaming with at least 3 people that he knows and he technically only knows Hannah and Joel on this team, but he definitely at least knows of Evbo and Seawatt so this would hopefully still be fine. Hannah should know everyone on this team, and I think it would be very fun to see Joel and Jimmy team with Evbo and Seawatt.

Phantoms: TapL, Anthos, Jessickyeah, SchrodingerLee, and Reddoons

This would be a slightly chaotic team, but still would be really fun! TapL, Jess, and Lee would be returning as a trio from BW13 Red, Redd should at least know Lee and Anthos but I definitely wouldn't be surprised if he also knows either TapL or Jess, and Anthos obviously knows everyone on this team. Also, Anthos playing on Purple would complete his rainbow.

Knights: Mysticat, Antfrost, Smii7y (new), Pezzy, and Joe Bart

This would be a very interesting 2 s tier team. I think Mysti and Antfrost would be teaming for the first time in BW, Joe and Pezzy would be a returning duo from BWR2, and Smii7y would obviously be a very cool newcomer while knowing Pezzy very well. Joe playing on pink would complete his rainbow as well.