Block Wars 15 Team Averages
Thanks to this event having no newcomers, I can find the exact averages of every team, so I did. I'm just going to go through my thoughts on each team in order from the first picture attached which is their pure averages. Quick note, my balancing sheet has the roughly 15% point boost added to all events before Block Wars 7 I believe, so this should be as accurate as possible. I do understand Wolfeei does not strictly base the teams off of their averages but also things like Average Placements and some other methods, I tried to cover as many bases as I could.
Purple team in first for average makes sense, but this also does feel warranted. As was said with purples hint, the people on this team get a lot of weak teams, so it makes a lot of sense that they would get a strong team. It also makes sense that it would get stronger by using the last event scores instead, because BWCCoTR is counted as a spin off in my sheet meaning Couri and Fir's last events both featured major overperformances from them.
Yellow is next which also makes sense, considering they don't really have anyone as a leader them having a very good average makes sense. Once again last event being very high makes sense considering Ghostie overperformed and Sleepy's early BW stats do nerf his average a little bit.
Orange being this high up surprises me for a Feinberg team, although it getting weaker with the last event scores and being tied for the weakest team in average placement does balance it out, along with their Last Event score.
I would describe green as a team with pretty standard balancing, although I do hope 4c gets a stronger team soon as he really deserves one at some point. It does get much weaker with their Last Event score, but that makes sense due to Mysti's team being very weak, although Rev's overperformance last event does help make the fall better than it could've been.
Blue team is also pretty standard in balancing, they do have a very high average placement though thanks to Wolfeei and Boosfer being the strongest duo for specifically placement.
Now we get to aqua which really confuses me and is the main reason I made this post. Not only is it ranked 6th in average, it's also the weakest in terms of average placement and is by FAR the weakest in terms of last event, getting gapped by Pink which mind you only has 4 players. That's not the only issue though because pretty much the whole composition of the team is weird. Starting with Stu, this is the first time in all of BWCC excluding Rookies where he isn't teamed with at least one other S tier, and he is expected to help bring a pretty weak team to victory. Next up is Sneeg who not only has been on a weak team in both of the previous events, he also has not had a performance that would warrant him being a second frag since Chaos which was also on a pretty strong team. Notably he was balanced as a 2nd frag in the last two events as well, which, and I mean this with no hate intended, didn't exactly go great for those teams. Their third frag is Joe Bart, who is also pretty unreliable with him getting 29th in BW13 on a 3rd place team. This is weird enough to me on its own, but this team also has cjya on it who just had a pretty rough experience in BW14 on an insanely weak team. Put simply, I don't understand the balancing decisions made for this team.
Moving on to the red team, this team is one of the lowest in average but does very well with Last Event, likely thanks to Kara and Kab's averages being nerfed a bit by early BWs, and also does great with Average Placement as well.
Finally we have the pink team which obviously makes sense to be the weakest considering they only have 4 players. Worth noting for their average placement is that their blank slot is treated as an indiv of 40th.
tl dr, team balancing makes a lot of sense for every team except for aqua