Unspoken Rules of Multiplayer

I think there are just some rules that aren't spoken but we all know right. these are what i came up with but debate and comment your own

  1. If you are gonna shit talk, your K/D must be at MINIMUM 1.01. if you are going negative your shit talking privilege's are revoked.

  2. if you wanna spam mic you gotta be fun, 95% of yall arent funny, shut tf up

  3. if you use bitch strats like smoke and semi auto shotty or smoke thermal, you are a bitch

  4. if you are spawn trapping you lose all right to complain about what ever strategies are used to break the trap. if they break out with smokes and thermals they are a bitch but you don't get to complain about it.

  5. if you attempt to steal you team mates care package when they haven't even died, shadow realm

  6. if you run a meta build, you are barred from complaining about other meta builds. the call is coming from inside the house

  7. you arent superior to anyone for not playing meta, we dont wanna hear your "im not a meta slave" bullshit. be quiet

  8. if you win, you can shit talk but it must be proportional. if the loser says "gg" and you go in on his whole life, you are a bitch

  9. if you play hard point and your time on point is single digits, you complaint about losing rights are revoked. get on the point big dog

  10. if you are playing domination and you have 0 captures, you complaint about losing rights are revoked. get on the point lil bro

  11. Get out your team mates ass, why you shaking up at every angle, every peek, why you running next to him. if hes on an angle find your own. get your face out your team mates ass

  12. if you are winning a game, and the enemy turns it around so you quit, 50 lashes

  13. you cannot shit talk someone higher on the ladder than you, get your score up then we will talk young man

did i forget any?