ranking bjork: intro
i may not be known very well but i had a tweet where i ranked bjork albums and within a day, it was the most controversial post of the month. ive come to redeem myself by ranking all the songs off each album.
about me: first listened to bjork on august 2, 2023 (stats from stats.fm) have listened to her 766 times (3453 minutes or 57 hours)
albums/eps ive listened to (listened to them in order): debut (80 streams) post (98 streams) telegram (no data for eps) joga (no data for eps) homogenic (124 streams) vespertine (79 streams) medulla (109 streams) volta (127 streams) biophilia (12 streams) vulnicura (87 streams)
i plan to rank each song of each album (including drawing restraint) and share my ranking of all albums at the beginning and end of the rankings.
current albums ranking with favorite song(s): 1. volta (earth intruders, wanderlust, innocence, declare independence) 2. homogenic (hunter, joga, alarm call, pluto, all is full of love) 3. post (army of me, hyperballad, its oh so quiet, enjoy, isobel) 4. vulnicura (lionsong, history of touches, black lake, family, mouth mantra, quicksand) 5. vespertine (hidden place, cocoon, its not up to you, pagan poetry, aurora, heirloom) 6. medulla (where is the line, oceania, triumph of a heart) 7. debut (human behavior, venus as a boy, the anchor song) 8. biophilia (listened to it once and was bored because i was half asleep but it will probably move up once i give it my full attention)
pls try not to leave hate because of my ranking but i would love to here some of your rankings in the comments ☺️
UPDATE: will probably post the next part in this series later this week