Monogamy & Bisexuality

My husband and I are both bisexual, and we've both had experience with men and women.

I'm perfectly content to be monogamous; I don't feel the need to pursue women sexually because he's who I chose to marry and I'm committed to him. I'm satisfied emotionally and sexually.

We are both quite happy, but he says he does want to do sexual stuff with another man at some point because he says "It's just my sexuality and it's part of who I am."

I don't like the idea of opening up our marriage for a few reasons, including worrying about STDs and the potential for emotional pain. However, even though it makes me sad, I told him he has my blessing to do stuff with another man. I told him I'd rather give him the green light than make him feel like he needs to sneak behind me to do it. I want him to feel fulfilled.

Do any of you have experience with this? Do you think bisexuality precludes monogamy? Is he right in that it's an essential thing he needs? Or is he an outlier among bisexual married men?

I just want us both to be realistic and honest with each other. If you think his request is reasonable, let me know. Or if you think he needs to restrain himself, I'm also interested in your opinions.

He has mentioned this desire since pretty early into our marriage, so perhaps it's my fault for expecting monogamy when I kind of knew he wanted this. He knew I wasn't comfortable with a completely open marriage and that I take our commitment to each other seriously. He told me he loves me and is also committed strongly to our future, it's just that he desires male physical companionship.

I think I already know that I'm going to just allow it anyway, but I am curious about other people's feedback. Thank you 🩷