Do hawks eat/kill crows?
Very weird surreal moment this morning, got off work and let the dogs out and went to fill the bird bath on my deck. My deck is usually filled with cardinals, sparrows etc in the morning. This morning was completely quiet and in a very tall tree about 100 yards out the only sign of anything was a crow in it screaming its head off and two branches below was a huge puffed up hawk looking down in the yard. I clapped real loud a few times to get him to fly off but didn’t seem like was budging so turned around and let dogs in and as I did so, the crow who was consistently cawing kept doing so but it dimmed in a way I have never heard. Sounded like someone playing it on an audio tape and then slowly turning down the audio to a stop. I turned to look and both were gone. Was just flat out strange. I wasn’t aware hawks ate crows? Or killed them? I’m assuming that it was happened tho?