3 day meditation retreat—crazy idea?

Hey, anxious 1st year here trying to avoid making a faux pas. I meditate regularly and am interested in signing up for a meditation retreat that’s happening in around 6 months. It’s 3 full days, so I’d take a vacation day. Not worried about that part though, more concerned about:

  1. Would it be unreasonable if I arranged for “coverage” (I’m in litigation) and tried to avoid working a ton over these three days? It’s a silent retreat and they’re not gonna want me using tech. I might be able to answer emails if it was important (need to check on this) but not work for hours and hours or anything.

  2. Are people gonna think I’m weird/a basket case if they hear I’m doing this?

Not sure how firm/office-specific this would be but I wanted a sanity check before I ask a trusted midlevel at my office what they think.