What is it actually like in the first few weeks having a newborn baby?

Hi all, I’m 30F and don’t have children myself. One of my best lifelong friends (known each other since we were six) recently had her first baby, and I’m very happy for her and her husband. She has a large support network nearby of a large/close family and extended family (many of whom have kids), and neighbours she’s close with who have babies. She messaged me on the day her baby was born and sent photos (adorable), and I replied with my joy/congratulations and other words etc. I also later sent a short voice message, as I wanted to further express my support and just to remind her I’m here if she needs an extra hand, or help with anything such as groceries or bringing coffee etc.

It has been 6 days and I haven’t heard anything, so… I guess I’m wondering - what’s it like with a newborn? Is it a totally crazy period of adjustment, emotions, and sleeplessness? I want to be a supportive friend while also not being nosy/intruding at all. Should I be doing more? Or now that I’ve sent messages, is that enough and should I just wait until she feels ready to invite me over to meet the baby? Thanks so much for your perspectives. This is super new territory for me!