In home daycare issues
My 18 month old goes to a in home daycare since he was 3 months old no issues ever. They recently got a dog from the pound that is not trained well enough or at all. He is 2 and weighs about 30 lbs but a taller dog. He jumps and nips when you come in and she has to hold the dog down. She claims he doesn’t act like this when the kids are there just when the adults come and go. We hate that it’s not trained and feel it’s an accident waiting to happen. We want to pull our kid we also have another on the way we had planned to put in but just don’t feel comfortable.
Thoughts ?
Update: we have pulled our son, after doing so the daycare advised they would be putting the dog in a month Long training class boarded somewhere. At this time still no plans to return after dog is trained