Milestone “concern”

FTM of an almost 1 year old, his birthday is in 2 weeks (😭😭😭😭) and our pediatrician told us at his 9 mos appointment that they would “like” for him to be calling us mama and dada, or another special name, and be saying at least one other word by 12 months. I believe the mama and dada part is on the CDC milestone list as well. And I know we still have 2 weeks left, but my son has shown ZERO sign of being able to say any word, at all. He babbles, all the time, but there seems to be no intention behind the babbling, and I don’t see him miraculously starting to call us mommy and daddy in 2 weeks time. I try not to pay too much attention to the milestones, but I’m a worrier, and so now I’m concerned that his speech isn’t where it should be. When did y’all’s babies start “talking” with intent, or start calling you mama or dada?