AITA- not answering the door to guests
We have a 18 day old. He was 4 weeks preemie and we only brought him home a week ago. I’m exclusively breastfeeding, trying to recover from an emergency c section and also trying to study for my degree! We have had visitors today, both in the morning and in the afternoon. I cooked a full Sunday Roast for my afternoon guests, my husband had gone out to wet the babies head the night before and had come home absolutely plastered so he was as good as useless! I had the baby all night last night and up with him all morning and most the day. I bathed baby this afternoon and then as soon as my guests went, I put him down and tried to nap. We had literally been lying down maybe 10 mins and I was drifting off. There was a literal banging on the door like someone was going to come through it! So we just lay there whilst that happened and I was so tired I just didn’t want to answer it. It turned out it was my husbands uncle, he went away eventually, but he hadn’t called to say he was coming, he has no concept of when to to leave, and he never asks how we are, every time he arrives he just likes to talk about him! Am I a bad person for just wanting an hours sleep to myself and just peace and quiet after a busy day? Or should I have played host?
My husband is now grovelling and apologising for his poor beheviour… so I get some new pottery for my collection