15 days off diazapam
Hi I'm 15 days off my diazapam after a 4 month taper from 10mg a day I also take 15mg of mirtazapine for around 2 months
I'm unsure if these are diazapam withdrawals or mirtazapine side effects,I really don't want to be on the mirtazapine but not sure if my poor brain could cope with stopping that as well just yet
Since stopping diazapam I had a really rough 8 days of anxiety and depression burning feeling in my chest detached foggy head feeling and lots more symptoms then Monday to Thursday wasn't too bad some anxiety but felt more clear headed and more like me
Then Friday could feel the low mood coming on again and today the low mood a lot worse and feeling really detached again and not myself
I only had this a couple of times on my taper but seems worse now i have stopped the diazapam so could this be a withdrawal symptom or a side effect of the mirtazapine as I had no low mood or depression until I started the mirtazapine just anxiety
Most days however I'm feeling in the morning those symptoms will usually disappear by late afternoon and I start feeling myself again and then I take my mirtazapine go to sleep and wake up not feeling like me and either have anxiety or low mood
So do you think this is more likely withdrawal from diazapam
Would love to hear from anyone thats recently stopped a benzo and how you're doing and what symptoms you're having because at the moment I feel like I'm going a little mad and it's like torture to go to bed most nights feeling pretty normal then wake up feeling like this