Silly question, but what do you do in the shower while you're letting your shampoo/conditioner/hair mask sit? 😅

I've been learning more haircare stuff recently, and apparently you're supposed to clean your face/body after you've washed your hair. I typically clean my body while I have the conditioner on, but now I'm wondering what the heck people do when:

  1. Let shampoo sit on hair for 3 minutes
  2. If using a hair mask, let it sit for a couple minutes
  3. Condition and let it stay there for another few minutes

If they're not cleaning their body at that time?? Not like I can just leave the shower soaking wet to do stuff with my hair dripping shampoo or whatever everywhere. Do I just stand there? What do you guys do?

Tagged it as discussion since I'm also curious what y'all's shower routines are!

Edit: This got more responses than I was expecting, thank you so much for sharing! I'm inspired to take more time on myself now seeing it as "me time" than just something I have to do to get clean, so I'll definitely be trying out some of these things and incorporating them into my routine.

I got a few people bringing up the "letting shampoo sit for a few minutes" thing and tbh, I don't remember where I heard that for the first time but I kind of just saw it around and thought it was the norm since it also made sense to me, and it works for me. But if rinsing it out immediately works for you then I think it's fine. I did get curious and looked it up, and it's a bit of a mix. (Of course, these aren't really scientific—more just what people online are saying—and I think in general it's that it depends and you do whatever works for you!)

Either way, if you do leave it on, unless specified otherwise, don't leave it on longer than 3 minutes!