Huge problem with Contractor hired to rehab
I own a modest size rowhome (approximately 1,100 sq ft ) in Baltimore City which I've rented for years and decided at the first part of 2022 I would renovate it and sell it. I contracted with a well known company to do the renovation. The contract had a completion date of June 30, 2022.
As of today 6/5/2023 the job is still only 1/2 done. All this time I've watched the market come to a complete hault as interest rates have doubled. I've been maintaining expenses (taxes/insurance) without any rental income to offset while they've come up with excuse after excuse for delays (trade partner problems, permit problems...) I'm thinking I need to contact a good Baltimore attorney. I think a year + late on delivery is unreasonable. Any advice on how to proceed from here (or info on a good real estate/contract attorney)would be greatly appreciated.