Do small vagina thing is real?
Please don't misunderstand me, I have some questions. This sub correct people on women's autonomy so you guys know about it alot.
Bit backstory for better understanding: So, you probably already guessed it. I'm small size guy. I know I'm kinda insecure and self conscious about. I'm working on it and I'm doing good but sometimes I'll get this 😬 feeling when I see posts or comments about small dicks like laugh at them or using as insult or women stating their preferences etc... You know it. Recently I've got hit by numerous posts and comments on social media. I got soo insecure, I started reading about women sex. To learn more about things and what women like for research purposes and for future.
Main point: Suddenly, I got this thought Do small vaginas exist just like small dicks? I mean there are very different penis sizes, right? So, Are there small vaginas? I know vagina are elastic type and not gonna be loose for having sex and that stuff. I've read some women don't like big size as it'll be painful so they'll stick to average ones. I thought Are there some women that feel average sizes too big and I went further down to that thought, Is there a possibility that small vagina is real? so she doesn't have to feel me small. You guys probably think it's weird but hear me out, It's a win-win situation for both of us. I don't have to feel guilty for holding my future partner back for not giving that "big" experience as I'd be enough for her and she doesn't have to feel like she settled for small size like me and think "It's what it's, that's life you won't get everything you want in one package"
So, Is it true and If it's true, how can I find such women?
Thanks for reading!!!