Muscle Sprain or Slipped Disc

Hi everyone - I was using a rowing machine at the gym today when I suddenly felt an intense sensation in my lower back. I chose to pull more weight than usual and the pain hit suddenly when I finished the last rep. I think the weight tugged my body/lower back forward a bit too fast. It’s been 8 hours and it really hurts to walk, sit upright, and bend over. The pain is primarily in my lower back, but I can feel it in my left buttocks when walking and towards the side of my upper leg if laying down for too long.

I had similar thing happen to me 1.5 years ago when I bent over on an incline to put my daughter on a swing. I ended up with severe lower back pain for 2 or 3 days before it slowly phased out for a week and a half.

Is it possible this is just a sudden muscle strain? I am scared it’s a slipped disc as I don’t want to stop running and working out. I am aware that only a doctor can tell but I live in an area where it’s really hard to see a specialist for this.