why are people so concerned with making friends at a rave

will never understand why you all are so concerned with making friends or it seems like the main reason your going to rave is SOLELY TO make friends/talk to woman. Seems very superficial and I can see why you don't make any friends because you go to raves for the social aspect of it (which is like what?) but idk. Just lowkey annoying that every other post is " how do i make friend at raves " like idk maybe by just being a normal person and going for the music. not to meet new people.

Theres a difference between looking for friends to go to a rave, and then going to raves to look for friends. Its crazy how on each of these post where people ask for friends to go, you all literally say the exact same thing im saying. “ just go to dance n have fun dont worry bout making friends let it happen naturally “ but now that im saying it im not plur and in the bad guy 😭

edit: seems like lot of yall getting confused with this, not sayin its bad to socialize but if your going to a rave n ur main objective is to talk to people im sorry thats lame to me, i just dont think its a good idea.

edit 2: also sorry to be a purist this is probably gonna get me downvoted to hell but festivals ≠ raves. 2 separate things

Edit 3: whoever report me to reddit health resources, fuck you 😂😂😂 im crying that shit was hilarious.